Friday, May 27, 2011

What a crazy week.

Hey everybody.

This past week was crazy for me. It was my final week of school, and I had a ton of stuff to do, but I'm out now, thankfully. :) I wasn't sure how it would all play out, but I'm quite pleased with myself. :D Thanks for sticking with me even though this hasn't been very exciting.

This weekend, my family and I are going on a little mini-vacation .... I'm really excited, since the past month or so has been... a lot. Of stuff. -_- So, it's the perfect way to start off my summer break!

Also, when I come back (on Tuesday), I'm going to be starting a new series. :) I'm not telling what it is yet... ok. Some of you already know. :\ But the rest of you can just be surprised! I think (hope) you're going to like it, but we'll see what happens with it. And I have a few more ideas up my sleeve. ^-^

One last thing, many of you, if not all of you, know that I am going on a missions trip to Ecuador this summer with SUSIE magazine and Big World Ventures. I am SUPER excited for that, and it is getting really close. In fact, I'm leaving in exactly one month. :) I'll be gone for two weeks, but I'm going to start posting more updates and prayer requests for it to my super special blog for it.

Have a great weekend!!