So I decided to try this, and see how it turns out. I just tried to capture a day in the life of... me in pictures. :) I'm not sure how many pictures I have, but I just wanted to try out the idea of a photo journal. I'll put up all the pictures tonight, just the pictures. Tomorrow (Sunday) I will add captions on them, in white, so come back then, and you can see what each picture is supposed to be. I'm adding the captions in white, that way, people can look at it first without captions, and then go through and look at the captions. And let me know what you think!! :)
**EDIT** Captions are added. Just click and drag underneath each picture to see them. (:
My alarm clock... the time I woke up today. |
What I see when I first open my
eyes, laying in bed. |
What I looked like when I first woke up. |
Breakfast, part 1. |
Breakfast, part 2 |
The sunrise, as seen from our front
window. |
The time on our microwave clock, after I'd
finished breakfast. |
My bed :) |
Before school... I'm usually listening to something
good on YouTube! (: |
Or checkin' Facebook. |
Time to start doing some schoolwork. |
What I wore today. (Sorry it's sideways!) |
Bible... |
History.... |
English... |
Math... |
Lots of reading to do.... |
Science... |
Some of my schoolbooks... |
Part of my lunch. Apples with peanut
butter! :D |
More reading... |
Latin... |
Driving to gym... |
More driving... |
It was HOT today... (and this in F*, not C*,
for my international readers) ;) |
Gymnastics! |
The sunset! |
I actually did not take these cool sunset pictures,
my mom took them on the way to pick me
up from gym. |
A couple of my teammates at gym. (: |
Me at gym... |
After gym... listening to Air1 radio (: |
Working on some more schoolwork. (: |
So there you have it. I will add captions either tonight (Sunday night) or Monday morning. :)